
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Hello, after a long time. It's been awhile since I touched Blogger and the reason I'm coming back now -- to pen down my inner most thoughts while embarking on a tough journey to battle the drudgery of getting myself settled and disciplined enough to actually, really study.

Well, its an impromptu decision at 11pm for me to actually start blogging - but well I guess it serves me as a good purpose to actually pen down how I feel at least once a week.

School has been going on a zero acceleration graph, nothing stimulating the adrenaline yet. I can't wait for the last paper to be over! 2months, it'll definitely be over in a jiffy. Results of prelims will only be out next week and I'm hoping for the best.

On the other hand, I've been coming up with a list of activities after the exams. Experiencing life in another whole new level, the wonders and ugliness it could partake. To indulge in pleasures. To indulge in my whims, may it be to satisfy my cravings for a big fat steak or to saturate my liver with liquor.

My lack of sense in punctuality is worrying. Is that a sign of my fraying sanity?

Abrupt end of post. Pictures of my teeth next post, I promise!

p/s: don't judge me on the entries i posted last year when i was juvenile and in the midst of adolescence. lolkthxbye.

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